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Reine de Saba

Patrimoine animalier au Yemen : des images et des textes...

par David Stanton, Sanaa, Yémen, Yemen.

Nous connaissons depuis tant d’années les engagements incessants de David Stanton, américain scientifique autodidacte devenu incontournable et professeur de Sciences. Il est à nos yeux (et notre coeur) le plus grand ami américain du Yémen, vivant, même durant ces longs mois difficiles que vit ce pays et la région, dans le pays. En guise de voeux, voici son article en anglais, et les liens que nous vous invitons vivement à visiter. Evidemment, il a comme soutien.. ; Total... pourquoi pas ! Il en a besoin, on se compromet de temps en temps, alors... Rédaction de la Reine de Saba, Paris le 31 janvier 2012

Dear Friends of the Arabian Leopard,

We are proud to announce the simultaneous publication of our first newsletter for 2012 in Arabic and English. Initial feedback of this edition confirms that it is quite possibly the most beautiful newsletter that we have published so far. For this we thank Sebastian Kennerknecht who provided most of the material. Upload them now from the following links and enjoy :

Update No. 19, from June 2011, is also now available for upload in Arabic at :

We are extremely grateful to our friends at Total E&P Yemen who continue to translate our monthly newsletters as a public service. We are now only one edition away from having all of our newsletters published in Arabic as well as English.

On a different note, Talking Naturally founder and host Charlie Moores has made a very supportive post on the Talking Naturally website at :

Charlie is developing a very interesting concept of his to increase and tighten the connections between conservation organizations such as the Foundation and thereby strengthening our collective impact. Charlie works tirelessly on behalf of the world’s wildlife and we highly recommend that you visit Talking Naturally and become a member of the Talking Naturally community. You won’t regret it.

With best wishes and many thanks for your continuing interest and support,

David David B. Stanton Executive Director of the Foundation for the Protection of the Arabian Leopard in Yemen P.O. Box 7069 Sana’a, Republic of Yemen Mobile : +967733916928 Fax : +9671370193


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